Synthesis about Musical Talent: Integrative Review with Meta-Analysis and Complementary Discussions
special education, musical education, talent, identificationAbstract
Talented students are in the most diverse areas and they are audience of Special Education. The purpose was to know what were the productions about musical talent. An integrative review with meta-analysis and qualitative discussion was designed. The time was from 2019 to 2021 in 14 databases using nine descriptors and eight keywords. The results showed that aptitude, talent and expertise are the most used terms. Standardized or qualitative procedures did not differ (p<0.05) in preference. The productions had many participants, and there were no significant differences in musicality or training among them. 78 authors consider it positive to identify and act in the educational process of talented individuals. Brazil was in second place in the ranking of productions, behind the United States, with 2020 being the most fruitful year. It is concluded that there are educational benefits in the designation of musical talent, collaborative networks and more research.
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