What We Talk about When We Talk about Play in Artistic Research
art, play, lusory attitude, strategies and creative processes, representational devices or counter-devicesAbstract
This article examines the notion of “play” as a representational “device” or “counter-device” in the territories of contemporary artistic practices. To achieve this, it analyzes how the apparent paradox of play's notion – given by its indefinability – allows it not only to operate as an aporetic condition of every work of art (including its irreducibility to the sphere of interpretation), but to assume itself as “literality” in terms of its processes, attitudes, and creative strategies. Based on this premise, it intends to demonstrate how “play” – in aesthetic and poetic terms - is transformed not only into a driving force for an “appropriation” and transfiguration of practices, contexts, objects and behaviors, but also in a way to produce results that expand and “re-signify” art’s own concept and definition.
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