"Impossible territories": experiments around the notions of “nature” and “artifice” in contemporary artistic practices
nature, artifice, art, artistic practice, desterritorialization and reterritorializationAbstract
This article, based on the concepts of territory, deterritorialization and reterritorialization of the french philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, aims to analyze the terms of nature and artifice in their possible relationship with the domains of thought and current artistic practices. In dialogue with these, we will seek to understand how the spheres of production and artmaking exist immersed in a continuum of flows, exchanges, contaminations and interferences between both territories – the natural and the artificial –, becoming, symbolically and conceptually, in an alternative(s) to this historical polarization between terms or, as the french philosopher Clément Rosset would say, – a form of naturalization of man through the denaturalization of the idea of nature.
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