Human and plant performance in coffee ecology




Art, Ecology, Multispecies Relationships


The article aims to approach the performance between humans and plants, from the coffee ecology, understanding that worlds are constituted by multispecific relationships (HARAWAY, 2016). The approach will take place in the text in a historical and artistic perspective, between textual and imagery references, with transit between interdisciplinary knowledge. In the first part of the text, we discuss the history of coffee planting, its practices and racializing political context in Brazil. In the second part, we continue with some contributions from Brazilian and Portuguese artists who present themselves or start from the café as a support and base for their work. We end the text with a discussion about the relationship between humans and plants, recognizing common ways of exploring society and nature, and how art is an important way of producing knowledge and elaborating on the real.


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Author Biographies

Kidauane Regina Alves, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)

Kidauane Regina is social worker, artist and researcher. She investigates the interfaces between body, territory and socio-environmental vulnerability from the humanities, arts and health sciences. Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from the Federal University of São Paulo, UNIFESP. Master's student at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Health Sciences at UNIFESP - BS, researcher and performer linked to the Indisciplinary Dance Nucleus (NiD) of the Body and Art Laboratory at UNIFESP - BS, and the Meander International Platform (Norway), an international network of artists dedicated to discussing art, the climate crisis, sustainability and related topics.

Marina Souza Lobo Guzzo, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Artist and researcher, Marina Guzzo focuses her creations on the interface of the body and the landscape, mixing dance, performance and circus by stressing the limits of subjectivity in cities and nature. Since 2011, he has focused on the climate crisis and the role of the artist in the production of imaginaries for crossing a world in ruins in the Anthropocene. It works in partnerships with health, cultural and social assistance facilities, thinking of art as a political action that weaves a complex interspecific network of people, institutions, objects, plants, animals, fungi and landscape. Post-doctorate at the Department of Performing Arts at ECA-USP and Master and Doctor in Social Psychology at PUC-SP. She is an Associate Professor at UNIFESP at the Baixada Santista Campus, a researcher at the Corpo e Arte Laboratory at the Instituto Saúde e Sociedade.


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How to Cite

ALVES, K. R.; GUZZO, M. S. L. Human and plant performance in coffee ecology. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v9i2.28779. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.



Dossier: Insurgent Dramaturgies and Epistemologies in Dance