Teaching Dance at School: High School Reform, Disciplining and Biopolitics
Dance teaching, High School Reform, Biopolitics and dance, Teaching experience, Insurgent bodiesAbstract
The present study is motivated by long years of experience in Education, observing the secondary, almost despicable place in which Art in general and dance in particular was relegated to the school curriculum. From a brief look at the history of dance in Education, the potentialities and difficulties that dance faces in public schools are discussed. The concepts of body, biopower, biopolitics, care of the self, by Michel Foucault and the notion of education as a practice of freedom, by Paulo Freire, are the reference from which the article develops. The discussion shows how urgent it is for the school to review the way it has treated dance as a fundamental component of Education.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Tatiana Paduin Bittencourt, Celso Kraemer, Priscila Regina Dallabona Meneghelli (Autor)
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