Dances and Africanities: Anticolonial Challenges in Dance Postgraduate Education, Disobedient Paths to Insurgent Epistemologies and Aesthetics




black dance, afro-indigenous, insurgence, coloniality of power, counter-dramaturgy


The academic model of teaching, research and learning in the arts, specifically in the field of dance, needs to be rethought within an anticolonial and Afro-Brazilian perspective. In this sense, the aim of this work is to establish emerging paths, epistemologies and intersecting aesthetics that are in the midst of a process of knowledge production/legitimization. The article discusses teaching and research experiences in the Dance and Africanities: Educational, poetic and political perspectives course component of the Dance Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of Bahia. It is based on questions of the South in order to "decolonize" academic writings and practices in dance research and to reconfigure research into actions against coloniality, racism, homophobia, transphobia and academic machismo.


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Author Biographies

Amélia Conrado, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Amélia Vitória de Souza Conrado (Amélia Conrado) did a post-doctoral internship in Image Arts and Contemporary Art at the University of Paris VIII, France. She holds  an Education Doctorate degree  from the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). She is a professor at Dance School (Escola de Dança) as well as a part of the Professional Masters in Dance and Postgraduate Programs in Dance at UFBA. Leader of the GIRA Research Group, which focuses on indigenous,popular repertoires and Afro-Brazilian cultures. In 2014, she was honored with the Distinguished Visiting Professor Award from The Five College of Latin American, Caribbean, and Latin studies (Massachusetts Amherst, USA). She has written books and specialized articles, and her work has been highlighted as co-editor and co-author of Dancing Bahia: essays on African Brazilian dance, education, memory, and race, published abroad. For this work, the Dance Studies Association gave her a mention award for excellence in dance studies, and reviews of it have appeared in prestigious American newspapers.

Lau Santos, Independent researcher

Laudemir Pereira dos Santos (Lau Santos) is scene artist, teacher/researcher, macumbeiro and capoeirista. Postdoctoral in Dance at PPGDANÇA/UFBA. Doctor and Master in Theater with title at UDESC. He taught classes at Theater, Circus and Dance Schools in Brazil, Barcelona, ​​Paris and Amsterdam. He is one of the co-authors of the book Grammars of Afrodiasporic Corporeities: Ethnographic Perspectives, released in 2020, ed. Julio Tavares. Author of several articles, books and audiovisuals on the theme: Afro-Brazilian Corporalities, Black Dances, Counter-coloniality and Counter-dramaturgy. Guest professor and co-founder of the component Dance and Africanities: educational, poetic and political perspectives (Doctorate, PPGDANÇA/UFBA). He directed and acted in scenic experiences (performative and audiovisual) in Brazil and Europe. He works as an Associate Researcher in the following research groups: Laboratory of Ethnography and Studies in Communication, Culture and Cognition (LEECCC), in the Graduate Program in Anthropology at UFF, in the Gira Dance Research Group, at PPGDANÇA/UFBA, and in the Rede Africanidades group at FACED/UFBA. 

Maria Paixão, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Maria de Lurdes Barros da Paixão (Maria Paixão) is leader of the research group Stage Languages: Image, Culture and Representation at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte/DEART/CNPQ. Master's and Doctorate from UNICAMP and Post-Doctorate from the Graduate Program in Scenic Arts at the UFBA, part of her research was conducted at the Library for the Performing Arts in New York. Develops research on the historiography of dance in film. Affiliated with the Brazilian Society for Cinema and Audiovisual Studies (SOCINE) and the National Association of Dance Researchers (ANDA). Conducts research on Afrodiasporic questions, counter-dramaturgical choreography and counter-choreo-editing in contemporary black dance in technological mediations. Permanent lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Dance/Master's/PPG/DANCE at the UFBA. Researcher in the Research Group for Indigenous Cultures and Afro-Brazilian and Popular Repertoires - GIRA /CNPQ/ School of Dance of the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).


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01-12-2022 — Updated on 01-12-2022


How to Cite

CONRADO, A. V. de S.; SANTOS, L. P. dos; PAIXÃO, M. de L. B. da. Dances and Africanities: Anticolonial Challenges in Dance Postgraduate Education, Disobedient Paths to Insurgent Epistemologies and Aesthetics. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 2, 2022. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v9i2.28911. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.



Dossier: Insurgent Dramaturgies and Epistemologies in Dance