Kepler and the Tensions of the Modern Cosmological Order According to Aby Warburg




Cosmos, Order, Ellipse, Kepler, Science


The work of Johannes Kepler and, in particular, his conception of elliptical planetary orbits that broke centuries of astronomical tradition, in which only the circles were considered worthy of celestial movements (to such an extent that not even Galileo Galilei paid attention to Kepler’s calculations and theories!) constituted a hinge in the History of Cosmology. This twist has received various analyzes from that moment up to the present. This paper focuses on Aby Warburg’s interpretation of that Kepler’s innovation, which is not only scientific but also aesthetic, by analyzing the ellipse in a wider and more complex frame, that of the History of Images.


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Author Biography

Fernando Beresñak, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Fernando Beresñak is a Researcher at CONICET and at the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA – FSOC – IIGG). He is Professor of Philosophy at the UBA. He specialized in political philosophy and received a doctorate from the UBA in social sciences. He has a master's degree in political science from IDAES-UNSAM, a postgraduate degree in "psychoanalysis and social sciences" from FLACSO and a lawyer, also from UBA. He is the author of the book El imperio científico. Investigaciones político-espaciales (Miño y Dávila editores, 2017).


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How to Cite

BERESÑAK, F. Kepler and the Tensions of the Modern Cosmological Order According to Aby Warburg. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 9, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v9i1.29656. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 dec. 2024.