The Birth of the Image-Collection in the "Atlas" of Gerardus Mercator
Image-collection, Atlas, Mercator, WarburgAbstract
The scholar attention given to the Atlas Mnemosyne, analyzing the more than seventy panels on which Warburg grouped clippings of images and photographs, illustrated the Warburgian search for the survival of certain formulas of pathos across cultures and times. Despite the obsessive dedication with which Warburg developed these studies (replied in those who studied his method), it is striking that the panels have not received more attention as images themselves, and that no systematic attempts have been made to place the very panels among other images, in the same way that their craftsman established links between visual fragments of Antiquity, Renaissance and Modernity. As a singular attempt in that direction, this article seeks to show links between the panels of the Mnemosyne Atlas and other image-collections, starting by Gerardus Mercator's cartographic Atlas of 1595.
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