Warburguian Echoes in Present Art: Cristina Brattig Almeida in "Nephele (Fragile)"
Nephele (Nymph of the Clouds), Pathos, Movement, Installation, Contemporary ArtAbstract
One of the topics of the Warburg 2019 International Symposium was "Warburguian Echoes in Present Art". The installation created by the Brazilian artist Cristina Brattig Almeida in Nephele (Fragile) materialized some of those echoes as Nymphs of the Clouds (Nephele), which is also the name of a species of moth, attracted by light. The image of the nymph, as Warburg showed, is revealed in her permanent and obsessive presence in various studies, authors, artists, epochs. The nymph, symptom-image, returns via Brattig from the Ancient World to a 21st Century museum, flying in the space, as nine hand-shaped ceramic sculptures. In this installation we see one of the most fundamental attributes for an authentic irruption of the nymph under Warburg´s interpretation: movement. We recognize the nymph's spreading force found everywhere in a sort of "game of transformations and metamorphoses", resisting at the same time any external procedure to give her a specific meaning.
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