The Affective Dimension of Theater Direction and its Effects on the Conformation of Groups




contemporary theatre, artistic practices, theatre directors, affects, theatre groups


This work explores the affective dimension in group processes of artistic creation, with a focus on independent theater groups in Córdoba, Argentina. It investigates how these groups are formed and the role of leadership within them. It is part of a broader research project on directing in this context. Through ethnographic interviews and discourse analysis, the significance of group dynamics in defining theatrical direction was acknowledged. The objective of this paper is to comprehend how emotions contribute to the formation of groups dedicated to artistic creation. To achieve this, it draws upon a conceptual framework and incorporates insights from scholars such as Sara Ahmed, Cecilia Macón, and Adrián Scribano, among others, to elucidate the intricate interplay between groups and emotions. It systematizes affective dimensions of direction within their formation and concludes by emphasizing the value of the emotional dimension as a driving force in artistic work itself.


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Author Biography

Fwala-lo Marin, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas de Argentina (CONICET)

Researcher, professor, playwright, and theater director. She holds a PhD in Arts and a Bachelor's degree in Theater from the National University of Córdoba. She researches personal theater archives from the 1980s in Córdoba, supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Scientific and Technical Research Council of Argentina. Her doctoral thesis focused on contemporary theater direction and won the XVI International Artez Blai Prize for Research on Performing Arts, which led to the publication of her book Thinking Theater Direction. She leads the research team "Scenes of Equality" based at CIFFYH and CEPIA of the National University of Córdoba. She is a professor at the Faculty of Art and Design at the Provincial University of Córdoba. As a playwright and director, she works with her group, Lo Culinario Teatro, with which she premiered Bucear sin Agua. A free version of texts produced in the women's prison of Bouwer (2021), Ypacaraí (2017), Negramarga (2015) y Reverso (2014).


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How to Cite

MARIN, F.- lo. The Affective Dimension of Theater Direction and its Effects on the Conformation of Groups. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 1, 2024. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v11i1.33803. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.