The Poetics of Death and "Ritual Theater": Connection Austria, Mexico and Brazil
poetics of death, Ritual Theater, symbolic action, performer, performing artsAbstract
The article seeks to reflect on the poetics of death taking as a reference three creative processes developed in Austria, Mexico and Brazil in 2018 under the aegis of Teatro Ritual (Haderchpek, 2021). Starting from an empirical methodology, we structure our reflection based on authors who discuss mortuary rites, liminality (Turner, 1974) and the symbolic aspects arising from them. Our main intention is to propose a theoretical discussion on the topic and understand the process of resignifying death in different cultures, in order to “change death into life” (Bayard, 1996). Throughout the text, we seek to highlight the nature of the symbolic actions of the performers woven into the plots of the collective experience (Duvignaud, 1970) and reflect on the ways of making related with the poetics of death.
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