Always Recreating


  • Renato Ferracini
  • Antonio Flávio Alves Rabelo



Recriação, Ação Física, Invisibilidade


Taking focus on the actor's work, this article try to think a simple question: Is it possible still creates in a show after hundreds of presentations?  If yes, what is the territory in which this creation is. To discuss these issues we will think with the show Café com Queijo [Coffee with cheese] made by LUME, and with Café com Queijo’s actresses Ana Cristina Colla and Raquel Scotti Hirson. 

Keywords: Recreation, Physical Action, Invisibility


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Author Biographies

Renato Ferracini

Renato Ferracini is actor-researcher and academic coordinator of LUME – Interdisciplinary Center for Theatrical Research of UNICAMP, and also professor and advisor in the Graduate Program in Arts Scene IA – UNICAMP. Author of the books A arte de não interpretar como poesia corpórea do ator (The Art of Not Interpreting as Corporeal Poetry of the Actor), Café com Queijo: Corpos em Criação e Ensaios de Atuação (Coffee and Cheese: Bodies under creation and acting tests). He is chief-editor of Revista ILINX.

Antonio Flávio Alves Rabelo

Antonio Flávio Alves Rabelo is a doctoral student at the Art Institute of Unicamp with the project "The visible and invisible in the expression of the body-in-art", led by Renato Ferracini. Currently he conducts research on collective creation processes and artistic performance as a member of the Arts Association Saudáveis Subversivos/Al e Zecora Ura Theatre.


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How to Cite

FERRACINI, R.; ALVES RABELO, A. F. Always Recreating. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 1, n. 2, p. 112–124, 2014. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v1i2.5263. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jul. 2024.