"Leonídia: Is She Crazy?" — Shared Production of Knowledge and Polyphonic Performance Creation
Dance-theatre, University extension, Shared knowledge production, Disability studies, Anti-asylum struggleAbstract
This article explores the creation of "Leonídia: Is She Crazy?," a show by "Trupe DiVersos," a theater-and-dance company that originated in the Projeto Paratodos (For All Project) of UFRJ (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). The initial phase of this process was presented on Skype at the "Differentiated Bodies in Contemporary Art International Seminar" at UFRN (Natal, 2014). This text addresses that event and the main developments in the troupe's work since then – performance/reading (2014) and six presentations during 2015. The play is the result of the extension course "Polyphonic Performance Creation" (PPC), the central idea of which was to apply the ideas of Shared Production of Knowledge (SPK) (Bairon and Lazaneo, 2012) and of polyphony (Bakhtin, 2010), combined with contact with manifestations of traditional cultures in Brazil. The creation, scripting and mounting of a show by a group characterized by diversity bets on an increasing permeability between the university and society.
English version: Chris McGowan
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