Music at School
a comparative study in the cities of Feira de Santana-BA and Sobral-CE
School music teaching, Music in Basic Education, Music in Public SchoolsAbstract
This article reports a research action whose main objective was to elaborate a comparative survey around the characteristics and conditions of Art/Music teaching in public schools in the cities of Feira de Santana (BA) and Sobral (CE). The specific objectives aimed to map the music teaching initiatives in public schools of the two cities and to verify the physical and human conditions for the development of curricular musical practices in schools. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, which was applied to teachers of Art from both cities, with a reduced sample due to the collection difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, the comparative analysis of data collected allowed us to raise hypotheses that can guide future research, concerning the space of the Art in the organization of curricula in Basic Education and in the Pedagogical Projects of Schools, the lack of adequate training of teachers who work in these curricular subjects and the demand for continuing education.
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