Human and social formation from school




Integral education. High school. Social and human formation. Social construccionism.


This article presents a school that seeks an integral formation for its students and that has an innovative work plan beginning with the commitment of social transformation that began with the decision to construct it in a region of low economic resources of the city of Mérida, in the Mexico. We conducted a qualitative and descriptive research, starting from a social constructionist referential, which recommends that the participants be coauthors of the work, avoiding the researcher-researched distancing. In this sense, we live together some days of the months of September and October of 2018 in the school, participating in classes and other activities and we recorded dialogues with three teachers on the work of the school. We conclude that the school has a work of social and human formation that takes place from a differentiated curricular matrix, with disciplines that seek to articulate their contents to the reality of the students, including personal, social, professional and students’ realization of social community.


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Author Biography

Rita de Cássia de Souza, Universidade Federal de Viçosa - MG

Psicóloga formada pela UFMG, com Mestrado em Educação pela UFMG, Doutorado em Educação pela USP, pós-doutora em Psicologia da Educação pela Universidade de Sevilha-ES.


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How to Cite

de Souza, R. de C. (2019). Human and social formation from school. Journal Education in Question, 57(52).