Alternatives Agrifood Networks: a glance at the Central of Family Farming and Solidary Economy Comercialization in Rio Grande do Norte (CECAFES)




Nowadays we have observed the transition between the traditional normal diet to sustainable diet, which includes more harmonics forms of production and distribution. We can also note the emergence of local experiences that have different and alternative strategies to distribute foods. Therefore, this study aims to understand the formation of alternative food networks, analyzing the case of the Commercialization Center of Family Agriculture and Solidarity Economy in Rio Grande do Norte. The sources used were: documents and semi-structured interviews with farmers, consumers, and the manager of the organization. With this informations, it was possible to analyze and describe the action of the organization in 2017. The experience, even though very recent, has positive impacts for the producers, for example: they were able to break with dependence on the middleman; producers are led to provide more reliable products, in order to meet the demand of their consumer; these farmers enjoy greater financial independence as they receive most of the money in the short run. However, despite the Central´s success, there are still many challenges such as the lack of public policies that enhance the experience; problems related to seasonality of products; the consumer is not yet properly aware; as well as the lack of campaigns to encourage the consumption of products from family farming.

Key-words: Alternative agrifood networks. CECAES. Farmers. Consumers.


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How to Cite

AMARAL, L. de S.; SANTOS, C. de J.; COSTA, F. B.; MOURA, J. T. V. de; TORRES, F. de L. Alternatives Agrifood Networks: a glance at the Central of Family Farming and Solidary Economy Comercialization in Rio Grande do Norte (CECAFES). Revista Inter-Legere, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 30, p. c17235, 2021. DOI: 10.21680/1982-1662.2021v4n30ID17235. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.

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