A comida como objeto de estudo na construção da ciência.
Nowadays, it is understood that food and food has expanded as a science, being object of scientific and sensorial study at the present time, when sociological, anthropological and also nutritional studies delight not only on the health problems of the individual, but also health collective and social development, cultural formation and transformation, ancestral memory and the construction of traditions through commensality. This fact implies in the understanding that food differs from food, while it is this culturally transformed food, from specific cooking methods that give it a specific cultural and identity character. These identities take place through traditions, regionalisms, specific models of cooking and know-how and, from these conceptions of ancestral practice, one understands what to eat and for what reason to do so. Thus, the problematizations presented here exist with the intention of fomenting a broad discussion about food as a science, food as a characteristic element of distinct identities, as well as acting as an instrument of approximation and distancing of peoples.