PRODUCTION OF TRUTHS IN FOOD: The notions of food quality and food safety in the Brazilian regulatory framework and notes for a more democratic qualification
As noções de qualidade e segurança dos alimentos no marco regulatório brasileiro e apontamentos para uma qualificação mais democrática
Based on an analysis of the assumptions that guide the creation of notions of food quality and food safety in the Brazilian regulatory mark, we propose a critical view, searching how the normativity related to food is constituted, from what concepts and contexts it emerge and how ends up marginalizing and criminalising different social practices related to food production e processing. The way the norms relation to food are established since the nineteenth century in a context of consolidation of medical-sanitary knowledge is reflected in a vision of strict quality (hygienic-sanitary aspects) in comparison to notions with broader view linked to the cultural differences of the population and the conservation of biodiversity. The idea of ??a "quality turn" in food consumption, with consumers that reflexes about the limits of the industrial food regime points to the possibility of a democratic food qualification.