Reflections on the status of the Is the body in the age of artificial intelligence it’s over?
Reflections on the status of the body as a political act
Corpo; Inteligência Artificial; Ética; Ato Político; Merleau-Ponty.Abstract
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become increasingly important in modern industry, bringing with it benefits and innovations capable of transforming the way work is performed. Therefore, this article aims to elucidate some types of AI and their applicability in everyday modern life. Furthermore, the intention is to address the appeals of personalizing content that captures and algorithmizes the individual, to give rise to the ethical challenges involved in its advancement. And, finally, the aim is to understand the relationship between the benefits of technological advancement in the face of the issue concerning the autonomy and freedom of one's own body in Merleau-Ponty's sense, bringing the body to the condition of a subject and, therefore, breaking with tradition dualist Cartesian theory, in order to follow the proposal of attributing to the body-subject the ability to perform an act and, in this way, constitute itself as a political body, being the basis for intelligent and cautious actions even in the function of operating the machines that Without it they cannot even be activated.
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