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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission files are in Microsoft Word format (doc or docx) and were produced within the available template, with a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 25 pages, including references.
  • The articles must include three abstracts, with abstracts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish being mandatory. The abstracts should be written in the following format: Times New Roman font, size 11, single line spacing, and justified alignment. The abstracts should contain a maximum of 150 to 250 words. The abstracts can include 3 to 5 keywords, in order of importance, separated by semicolons.
  • I agree that my article will only be published if all authors are registered with ORCID.
  • The authors of the article hold a minimum master's degree or are submitting the work in collaboration with a master's or doctoral degree holder.
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements according to the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT.
  • The text is written in Times New Roman font, size 12, with justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing, except for quotations longer than three lines. Use italics only for foreign terms and bold for highlighting elements such as title, abstracts, keywords, introduction, and other topics, following ABNT guidelines.
    Footnotes are in Times New Roman font, size 10, and presented as endnotes rather than footnotes.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and it is not being simultaneously evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, justification should be provided in the 'Comments to the Editor'
  • The authorship identification of the work has been removed from the file and the Properties option in Word, thereby ensuring the confidentiality criterion of the journal, if submitted for peer review (e.g., articles), following the instructions available in Ensuring Double-Blind Peer Review.

Author Guidelines

The "Saberes" Journal aims to promote discussions, disseminate ideas, and share research findings in the fields of Philosophy, Education, and interdisciplinary studies in various teaching areas.

We welcome scientific, philosophical, and/or technical contributions in the sections Article, Review, Essays, and Experience Reports. Our primary target audience includes teachers and researchers in general who work in areas related to Education, as well as undergraduate students co-authoring with their advisors (with a minimum Master's degree qualification).

We do not charge submission or article publication fees.

The average time between manuscript submission and the final decision is approximately 45 days.

Template for article submission

Submission Conditions

As part of the submission process, authors are required to ensure the compliance of the submission with all the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the guidelines will be returned to the authors.

Authors who are not registered in the Journal's Platform, in the Lattes Platform ( of the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ), and in ORCID ( will not be accepted. All registrations are mandatory. The text follows style standards and bibliographic requirements according to the norms of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards - ABNT. Submission files are in Microsoft Word format (doc or docx) and have been produced within the available template, with a minimum of 14 and a maximum of 25 pages, including references. The text is written in Times New Roman font, size 12, with justified alignment and 1.5 line spacing, except for quotations longer than three lines. Use italics only for foreign terms and bold for highlighting elements such as title, abstracts, keywords, introduction, and other headings, following ABNT. Notes are in Times New Roman font, size 10, presented as endnotes, not footnotes. Articles should provide three abstracts, including mandatory abstracts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Abstracts should be formatted in Times New Roman font, size 11, with single line spacing and justified alignment. Abstracts should have a maximum of 250 words. Texts can include 3 to 5 keywords, in order of importance, separated by semicolons. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, this should be justified in "Comments to the Editor." The authorship identification has been removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the journal's confidentiality criterion if submitted for peer review (e.g., articles), following the instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review. The following types of academic work are accepted: articles, reviews, essays, and experience reports. For each of the accepted work types, authors should observe structure, formatting, citations, and references requirements. Experiments involving human subjects must follow the specific resolution of the National Health Council. When applicable, it is mandatory to indicate in the text that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (citing the approval number or protocol in Methods) or to attach a supplementary document upon submission.

Interface Mental Health and Education: Weaving Interdisciplinary Knowledge

The educational context has led to reflections on mental health, as it is an important locus of human formation. The mental health demands related to children and youth or to teachers and other education professionals highlight the urgency of the issue within the school and educational scope. The reflections are pertinent and necessary in order to avoid pathologizing, stigmatizing, and poorly contextualized practices within the school reality.

In light of this, the dossier "Interface Mental Health and Education: Weaving Interdisciplinary Knowledge" will welcome articles addressing the theme through case studies, experience reports, or results of scientific research. It will be composed of two sections: one open to submission from the academic community in general and another exclusively focused on productions from teachers and students who are members of the Pode Falar Network.

The Pode Falar Network is a partnership between the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), civil society organizations working with the mental health theme of adolescents and youth, and more than 20 public and private universities across the country. One of its actions is the channel, aimed at virtual mental health support for adolescents and youth aged 13 to 24 years old.

Educação especial e inclusiva

This section of the journal aims to promote academic discussion and dissemination of original research addressing issues related to special and inclusive education. We welcome articles that explore theories, practices, policies, and empirical research relevant to the promotion of inclusion for individuals with special educational needs at all levels of education.

Filosofias africanas

Aceita artigos inéditos e originais que abordem as filosofias africanas e suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento do pensamento científico e cultural da humanidade.

Foundations of Education and Teaching

This section aims to present studies on theoretical and practical contributions that investigate the historical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological aspects of education. The objective of this section is to promote a deeper understanding of the conceptual frameworks that shape educational systems, curriculum development, pedagogical strategies, and student engagement. We welcome research articles, theoretical analyses, and critical reviews that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in this field.

Surdidade em foco

Essa seção recebe textos originais que abordem a educação bilíngue; arte e literatura surda; ensino da Libras e suas interseccionalidades.

Teaching and Educational Technology

The "Teaching and Educational Technology" section covers research on the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning, including mobile apps, digital games, artificial intelligence, and data analysis. Articles explore technological interventions, educational tools, classroom implementation, and teacher training. It promotes knowledge advancement and idea exchange in this field.

Artigos (interdisciplinar)

Esta seção aceita contribuições de todas as áreas do conhecimento, promovendo a integração e diálogo entre diferentes disciplinas. Valorizamos trabalhos que explorem sinergias entre campos diversos, enriquecendo a compreensão e abordagem de questões contemporâneas. Incentivamos a pluralidade de perspectivas, incentivando autores a transcenderem fronteiras acadêmicas. 


A seção Ensaios visa publicar artigos de opinião sobre temas da atualidade.

Relatos de Experiência em Salas de Atendimento Educacional Especializado

Esse dossiê recebe relatos de experiência de alunos, professores, tutores, intérpretes de Libras e outros participantes do curso EDUCAÇÃO ESPECIAL NO CONTEXTO DA ESCOLA INCLUSIVA: O SAEE EM FOCO oferecido pela UFRN.

Dossiê Filosofia da Educação e Modernidade

O dossiê “Filosofia da Educação e Modernidade” aceita trabalhos na área da Filosofia da Educação que abranjam temas relacionados ao pensamento filosófico dos séculos XVII e XVIII que tratem acerca do tema da Educação em sua relação com questões do conhecimento, da história, da política, da formação, da ética e da estética. 

As normas de formatação pode ser encontradas clicando aqui.

Dossiê: Inclusão e diversidade no ensino superior

A Revista Saberes lhe convida a submeter artigos no Dossiê Inclusão e diversidade no Ensino Superior, que receberá textos originais oriundos de pesquisas e relatos de experiências que versem acerca das políticas institucionais, práticas pedagógicas e formação docente com vistas à inclusão de estudantes com necessidades específicas e o respeito à diversidade com foco no ensino superior. Os textos serão recebidos até 30 de novembro de 2022, com previsão para publicação no primeiro semestre de 2023.


Dossiê Filosofias Africanas: Vozes plurais e contracoloniais

Aceita artigos inéditos e originais que abordem as filosofias africanas e suas contribuições para o desenvolvimento do pensamento científico e cultural da humanidade..

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.