



African philosophy; decolonization; pluriversality.


Epistemology and its actions have been, over the centuries, a production and result of a European heritage and the
death of other epistemological practices. Thus, putting aside all other forms of producing knowledge. It is no different
with philosophy, it has been produced and taught in Brazilian academic spaces, reproducing a false certainty that it is
in its “being” purely European, without influences from other philosophical practices or reflective thoughts. Charles
Mills (1999), quoted by Renato Noguera (2014), observes that “Philosophy is the whitest of all areas in the field of
humanities”. Therefore, it is necessary to raise the discussion on this premise, other epistemological actions are needed,
it is time to change the discourse, to resume historically marginalized philosophies. The African worldview, its systemic
and organized thinking, guiding the abstract and empirical world, has been historically ignored and placed in the place of
death, epistemicide has been reserved for African Philosophy in the Western world, in the Americas, in academic discussions
in Brazil. In this sense, through theoretical analyses, it is intended to bring to the ball, from scientific-philosophical doing,
part of African Philosophy, its way of being and doing in understanding the world; how the cosmos presents itself to beings
and how they have been relating to that same world. African Philosophy has been a way of understanding and living in and
for the world, considering human relationships and those with other existing entities between the material and immaterial dimensions.


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How to Cite

DOMINGOS, R. A FILOSOFIA DA PLURIVERSALIDADE: THE PHILOSOPHY OF PLURIVERSALITY: AYÊ, ORUN AND THE ’INDESTRUTIBLE SYMBIOSIS’ OF THE VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE WORLDS. Saberes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and Education, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 2, p. FIA05, 2024. DOI: 10.21680/1984-3879.2024v24n2ID32481. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/saberes/article/view/32481. Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



Dossiê Filosofias Africanas: Vozes plurais e contracoloniais