


cultural criticism


The marks of colonization and slavery are present in the history of Brazil and in subjectivities, however these ills do not define identities. This is the cry/alert that Emicida brings in the song AmarElo (2019). This article proposes to analyze the musical work from the perspective of decolonial thinking and cultural-social critique, observing how the composer builds intersectionality in the work and what is the significance of the invited subjects for the musical pluridiversity.


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Author Biographies

Jailma dos Santos Pedreira Moreira, Teacher/UNEB

Graduated in Vernacular Letters from the State University of Bahia - UNEB (1996), a Specialization in Text and Grammar by the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFSin agreement with UNICAMP (1999), another in Literary Studies by UNEB (2000), Master's in Letters and Linguistics from the Federal University of Bahia - UFBA (2003) and also a PhD in the area of ​​Literature, Theories and Criticism of Culture, at the latter university (2008). Completed a Postdoctoral Degree in Letters - Feminist Metacriticism\Public Policies for Women's Literature- at UFMG (2015). She is a professor at the University of the State of Bahia, of the graduation in Letters and of the Program stricto sensu Postgraduate Program in Cultural Criticism. He has experience in the field of Letters, with emphasis on Cultural Criticism, working mainly on the following themes: literature, subjectivity, micropolitics, gender and feminist cultural critique. Author of the book Under the lamplight: Maria Bonita and the movement of subjectivity of sertaneja women and organizer, with others authors, from the collection: Other perspectives on the northeastern sertão: gender, subjectivity and masculinities. In addition, he published several articles, book chapters and organized dossiers/journal issues, reflecting the themes of their research, which are linked to the project of her authorship, entitled: Literature in women's movements: from women's movements feminist writers and theorists to the rewritings of women in social movements. In that regard, has been producing, in a network, critical reflections, opening-strengthening fields of knowledge about feminisms, including black and rural feminisms, about rural women, production authored by women, literature by subaltern women, public policies for women's literature, reading and writing, including in pedagogical contexts, women's cultural archives, writings of women's bodies in sociocultural movements, women's self-narratives, and other derived/interrelated issues.

Nádja Nayra Brito Leite , Mestranda/Universidade do Estado da Bahia

Academic training comprises the areas of communication and letters. Graduated in Social Communication (Major in Publicity and Propaganda) from UCSAL and Postgraduate (specialization) in Corporate Communication and Marketing at JTS. He has extensive professional experience in the area of ​​Communication, with an emphasis on advertising copywriting. In addition, he was a professor for 10 years teaching the disciplines of advertising writing, ethics and legislation and semiotics at UNIFTC. She is currently a graduate student in Literature and a Master's student in Cultural Criticism at the Department of Letters at the State University of Bahia – UNEB. It is dedicated to studies on feminisms, decoloniality and sociocultural criticism, relating the areas of communication, arts and letters.


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KILOMBA, Grada. (2019). Memórias da Plantação: Episódios de Racismo Cotidiano. Editora Cobogó.

MIGNOLO, Walter D. (2017). Colonialidade, o lado mais escuro da modernidade. Editora PUC-Rio,

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MORENO, Alejandro. (2005). Superar a exclusão, conquistar a equidade: reformas, políticas e capacidades no âmbito social. In Edgardo Lander (org). A colonialidade do saber: eurocentrismo e ciências sociais. Perspectivas latino-americanas. Colección Sur Sur, CLACSO.

QUIJANO, Anibal. (2005). Colonialidade do poder, eurocentrismo e América Latina. In Edgardo Lander (org). A colonialidade do saber: eurocentrismo e ciências sociais. Perspectivas latino-americanas. Colección Sur Sur, CLACSO.

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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS PEDREIRA MOREIRA, J.; BRITO LEITE , N. N. . ALLOW ME TO SAY NO TO MY SCARS THE DECOLONIAL CRY UBUNTU OF THE EMICIDA . Saberes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and Education, [S. l.], v. 24, n. 2, p. FIA08, 2024. DOI: 10.21680/1984-3879.2024v24n2ID33046. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 oct. 2024.



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