Rio de Janeiro’s theatre in the context of the contemporary: hybridities and scenic procedures in the "Trilogy of Love" by the company Os dezequilibrados


  • Carolina Montebelo Barcelos Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)



Contemporary, Theatre Arts, Visual Arts, Hibridity, Theatre companies


By means of a critical study of Love, Talk to me like the rain and let me listen and Kiss me like in books, plays which comprised the Trilogy of love, a recent project by the theatre company Os dezequilibrados, I discussed how the work of these artists engage with a variety of artistic and literary references, besides their own previous works. After an examination of the concept of the contemporary - as an intertext or a past revisited - and of a brief background of the company, I suggested the understanding of the creative work of Os dezequilibrados as a hibridization process of fine arts and cinema. To this end, the analysis of the plays and of the creative process of the company was substantiated with theoretical studies put forward by art and contemporary theatre scholars, as well as with interviews with Ivan Sugahara, director of Os dezequilibrados.


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Author Biography

Carolina Montebelo Barcelos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

BA in Theatre Arts - Theory of the Theatre at UNIRIO (Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro) in 2004. Graduate studies in Literature, Art and Contemporary Thinking at CCE/PUC - Rio in 2008, MA in Brazilian Literature Studies in 2012 and PhD in Literature, Culture and Contemporaneity in 2016, both at the Department of Letters, PUC-Rio. Visiting scholar at the Department of Theatre Arts and Performance Studies at Brown University  between august 2015 and february 2016, funded by CAPES.  Theatre teacher and scholar. Research areas: Brazilian theatre, theatre companies, collaborative theatre, contemporary theatre and performance.


AUSLANDER, Philip. Intermediality. In: CHENG, Meiling; CODY, Gabrielle (orgs.). Reading contemporary performance. London & New York: Routledge, 2016.

GROYS, Boris. Comrades of time. e-flux journal, n. 11. Nova Iorque, dezembro de 2009. Disponível em: Último acesso em: 22 de julho de 2018.

LEHMANN, Hans-Thies. Teatro pós-dramático. São Paulo: Cosac Naify, 2007.

PAVIS, Patrice. A encenação contemporânea. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2010.

_____. Theatre of the Real. In: The Routledge Dictionary of Performance and Contemporary Theatre. New York: Routledge, 2016. Kindle edition.

KINDER, Marsha. All About the Brothers: Retroseriality in Almodóvar’s Cinema. In: APPS, Brad; KAKOUDAKI, Despina (ed.). All about Almodóvar: a passion for cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009. p. 267 - 294.

PICON-VALLIN, Béatrice. Teatro híbrido, estilhaçado e múltiplo: um enfoque pedagógico. Revista Sala Preta, n. 11, São Paulo, USP, p. 193 – 211, 2011.

ROMÁN, David. Performance in America: Contemporary U.S. Culture and the Performing Arts. London and Durham: Duke University Press, 2005. Kindle Edition.

SCHECHNER, Richard. Performed imaginaries. New York: Routledge, 2015.


SUGAHARA, Ivan. Entrevista concedida a XXX. Rio de Janeiro, julho de 2016 e agosto de 2018.

Peças de teatro

SUGAHARA, Ivan, dir. Amores. Peça teatral. Sede das Cias, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Criação: Os Dezequilibrados.

_____. Beija-me como nos livros. Peça teatral. Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, 2015. Criação: Os Dezequilibrados.

_____. Fala comigo como a chuva e me deixa ouvir. Peça teatral. Casa da Glória, Rio de Janeiro, junho de 2014. Criação: Os Dezequilibrados.



How to Cite

BARCELOS, C. M. Rio de Janeiro’s theatre in the context of the contemporary: hybridities and scenic procedures in the "Trilogy of Love" by the company Os dezequilibrados. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 2, 2019. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v5i2.15414. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.