Dissident Bodies, Dissident Voices: Art in Times of Web
inclusion, diversity, music, performance, media censorshipAbstract
Between 2021 and 2022, two events promoted by the Festival Durante, brought to Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, open meetings designes for public access through social networks. The first, linked to the Festival Durante,, celebrated the happening Do corpo à terra through selections of video performances, roundtables and publications, with the support of Associação Brasileira de Críticos de Arte (ABCA); the second, in partnership with the Centro de Referência da Juventude (CRJ), presented the music scene from artists representing different universes. The article aims to discuss the role of social media in the contemporary system of displacement, reach and repercussion of today's issues, however, in the same way, to measure the impact of conservative ideological hacking in the deconstruction of debates, mainly through the targeted attack on the field of the arts.
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