Melancholy and Power: Rhetorical Analysis of Jacques-Martin Hotteterre’s Preludes




Hotteterre, preludes, rhetoric, transverse flute, music


This work consists in comparing two sets of preludes (e minor and E major) for transverse flute by Jacques-Martin Hotteterre, extracted from L’Art de Préluder, published in 1719. These micro-works represent a paradigm of rules for the improvisation, or “real-time composition”, of what the author calls Préludes de caprice. Rhetoric has been chosen as a discipline which provides some tools from that period’s cultural horizon. It also allows us to explore not only the compositional features of these works, but also some traces of the receivers’ ways of listening and cognitive proficiency. The e minor pieces resort to melancholy as a representation of the courtesan's character and behavioural profile, while the E major preludes thematise some aspects that represent power, an ironic view thereof, and gallant conversation.


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Author Biography

Gabriel Pérsico, Universidad Nacional de las Artes (UNA)

Professor and Bachelor of Music Education (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) and Doctor on Arts (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). He took courses on baroque transverse flute with teachers Wilbert Hazelzet, Barthold Kuijken and recorder with teacher Pedro Memelsdorf. Historical flute soloist (La Barroca del Suquía, Ensemble EOS, Musica Poetica). He was Coordinator of the Center for Early Music Studies (CEMan – Universidad Católica Argentina). He teaches the chairs of Baroque Transverse Flute, History of Music, Chamber Music and Musical Rhetoric Seminar in the “Carrera de Música Antigua en el Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel de Falla” of the Buenos Aires City and the Chair of Aesthetics of Music in the “Departamento de Artes Musicales y Sonoras” (DAMus) of the “Universidad Nacional de las Artes” (UNA). He teaches postgraduate seminars in Argentina and abroad, working as a researcher (UNA). He is the director of 4'33'' Magazine of Musical Research and of the Master's Degree in Musicology (DAMus-UNA).


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How to Cite

PÉRSICO, G. Melancholy and Power: Rhetorical Analysis of Jacques-Martin Hotteterre’s Preludes. Art Research Journal: Revista de Pesquisa em Artes, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, 2023. DOI: 10.36025/arj.v10i1.31797. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jul. 2024.



Dossier: Theories, Poetics and Practices of Early Music