The Body Preparation of the Scenic Artist as Potential Evocation for the Process of Creation
Body Preparation, Dance, Theater, Body, Artistic Process of CreationAbstract
This article aims at analyzing the space for the scenic body preparation as a potential place for the process of creation. This study is thought out and developed based on our experiences as dancers, actress, researchers and academic professors who provide dancing and acting training. Through these different perspectives, it has been possible to think through body preparation regarding some scenic artists, as well as understanding our own experiences in dialogue with authors who consider the scenic space not only a sacred site of the human being, but also a space of instability, discovery and intuition. Therefore we propose a reflection on the stages of the process of creation as well as suggesting the contents that may support the investigation in a rehearsal room and the sharing of experiences lived since the beginning of the body preparation project.
English version: Felipe Vieira Valentim.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Ligia Losada Tourinho; Maria Inês Galvão Souza
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