Duality and ambivalence of teaching identity of bachelor’s professors who works on teacher training undergraduate


  • Diego Carlos Pereira Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”
  • Váldina Gonçalves da Costa Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro




Teacher’s identity, Bachelor’s professors, Teacher’s training undergraduate, Oral history


This article results from a master's research focused on the study of the teacher identity of trainers’ professors, considering the identity constitution as an individual and collective relational process that permeates the formative and educational trajectories. This paper aims to discuss and present arguments about the dual and ambivalent features of the teaching identity constitution process from bachelor’s lecturers, who works in teacher’s training undergraduate courses, considering the formal and biographical aspects of the subjects' trajectories.  This study was based on a qualitative perspective from de oral History and the narrative analysis from bachelor’s teacher trainers. We argue that the duality of the identity process is characterized by a relationship between the bachelor’s formation and the attribution to the teaching position conferred by educational legislation and the academic context. On the other hand, the ambivalence is expressed through the conflict between being a bachelor / researcher and being a teacher in higher education, especially in teacher training, faced with the distinct demands that these two professional roles can cause.


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How to Cite

Pereira, D. C., & Costa, V. G. da. (2018). Duality and ambivalence of teaching identity of bachelor’s professors who works on teacher training undergraduate. Journal Education in Question, 56(47), 174–199. https://doi.org/10.21680/1981-1802.2018v56n47ID14003