Mobile technologies and interpersonal relationships:

reflections on behavior and learning


  • Magnus Guerreiro Thomazini Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul. Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Educação.
  • Elias Estevão Goulart Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul. Programa de Mestrado Profissional em Educação.



Education, Mobile digital technologies, Emotions, Learning


Emotions are an inherent part of the nature and the human and social relationships. Educational processes are influenced by the emotions of students that determine their behaviors and learning possibilities. Mobile digital technologies are present in students' everyday life and exert an influence on their attention, behavior and relationships, including negative connotations, by prioritizing virtual interactions over face-to-face interactions. The exploratory nature study, with a qualitative-quantitative approach, aims to identify the prevalent factors in the importance of technologies for students and to understand their meaning and presence in students' lives. We interviewed 150 students from the final grade of Middle School from two municipal schools in the municipality of São Caetano do Sul. The research analyzed the interpersonal relationships of these students, the relationship with learning in the school context and the important presence of digital media in the routine of these students. As a result, we elaborate a Reference Matrix of Emotional Guidance.


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How to Cite

Thomazini, M. G., & Goulart, E. E. (2018). Mobile technologies and interpersonal relationships:: reflections on behavior and learning. Journal Education in Question, 56(49).