Environmental perception:

a study in a municipal public school of Chapecó - Santa Catarina





Perception, Elementary school, Environmental education, Drawing


This article analyzes the perceptions that emerge from the imaginary of students in a Municipal Elementary School of Chapecó-SC. It had as reference the theory of the complexity of Morin, the liberating pedagogy of Freire and the phenomenology of Merleau-Ponty. The study was carried out in two groups of the 9th year and the approach was through drawings, selected from the categories: human being and world relation; human being and nature; human being and society and education and self-organization. The results demonstrate differences in perceptions between the two classes. While one presents a more complex perception between relationships, the other group can not perceive the existing connections that, referring to the relation between human being and environment, contributes to a problematization in the social, political and educational scope. It is intended that this study foster discussions at other educational levels in favor of paradigmatic change, thus overcoming the fragmentation of socio-environmental thinking and knowledge.


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How to Cite

Ruppenthal, S., Dickmann, I., & Berticelli, I. A. (2018). Environmental perception:: a study in a municipal public school of Chapecó - Santa Catarina. Journal Education in Question, 56(48). https://doi.org/10.21680/1981-1802.2018v56n48ID15175