Integrated Technical Education:

profile and expectations of students in a computer science course




Integrated technical training. Human and social development. Profile and expectations of the students. Interdisciplinary research.


Considering the integrated technical training as a modality, capable of promoting human and social development, we aim to discuss the relationships between the profile and the expectations of students and the proposals of an integrated technical course in computer science, of a Federal Institute campus. For this, we used the qualitative and quantitative approaches (RAMOS, 2013; CRESWELL, 2007; 2018) with questionnaires, academic records and institutional documents as instruments. For the analysis, we focused our studies on the Complexity Theory (MORIN, 1991, 2005) and the Sociodiscursive Interactionism (BRONCKART, 2009; 2008; BULEA, 2010) for the identification of thematic content that mobilized students’ representations in the answers to the questionnaire. The partial results of this study point to a greater understanding of the possible relationships between the profile and the expectations of the students, as well as between the latter and the proposals of the training context investigated, enabling a social debate about this training and its possible contributions to the social and human development.


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How to Cite

Martins Ferreira de Souza, E., & Rodrigues Tognato, M. I. (2019). Integrated Technical Education:: profile and expectations of students in a computer science course. Journal Education in Question, 57(52).