Comic books, reading and discourse of interdiction in official spaces of education




Discourse analysis. Comic books. Discourse of interdiction. Education.


This article aims to analyze some linguistic-discursive strategies that legitimized, in official spaces of education, the prohibition of comic books as a reading practice. For this purpose, we take a chapter of the book "Youth Literature", published in the year 1969, to compose the corpus of this article. This work was part of the "Didactic Collection of Brazil", whose objectives were to disseminate and, in some way, to prescribe principles and practices related to various themes involving education. In the possession of this corpus, we were guided by the contributions of the discourse analysis of the French line, especially having as examples the studies of Michel Pêcheux (2009 and 2015) about memory and discourse. In this article, the following research question guided us: what linguistic-discursive strategies articulate reading, comic books and sanction? Finally, we find the analyzes show that demonstrate the following linguistic-discursive strategies, with a view to the interdiction of the comic books: memory, interdiscourse, argumentation by authority, scientific discourse and official discourse.



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Author Biography

Felipe de Souza Costa, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutorando em Educação na Faculdade de Educação da USP (FE-USP). Mestre em Letras pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo (2016). Licenciado em Letras (UMC) e em Pedagogia (UNINOVE). Especialista em Estudos da Linguagem (UMC) e em Ética, Valores e Cidadania na Escola (USP). Professor de Língua Portuguesa na Rede Municipal de Ensino de São Paulo. Atualmente, trabalha com formação de professores de Língua Portuguesa, currículo e produção de materiais didáticos na Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo. Tem experiência com ensino de língua materna e estrangeiras (inglês e italiano), formação de professores e tutoria em EaD. Seus principais interesses são: análise do discurso, ensino e aprendizagem de línguas (materna e estrangeiras), currículo de Língua Portuguesa, produção e recepção de materiais didáticos, discurso jornalístico e ethos discursivo.


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How to Cite

Costa, F. de S. (2019). Comic books, reading and discourse of interdiction in official spaces of education. Journal Education in Question, 57(53).