Education and Democracy:
the challenges of Public Universities
Federal Institutions of Higher Education. Democracy. Education. Complexity.Abstract
The article exposes some scenarios of current societies regarding the universalization of the capitalist system through the imposition of a monocultural and productivist model (Vandana Shiva; Claude Levi-Strauss; Isabelle Stengers). Within this process, formal education and academic management of knowledge and science have distanced themselves from their noblest ideals as regards the integral formation of citizens: the culture of intelligence and creativity to imagine and build a fairer world happen and marked by the diversity of ways of being and living. Only by rejecting the business-productivist model, that compromises the radical imagination (Nuccio Ordine; Norval Baitello Júnior), public universities will be able to find the place that distinguishes them from university-companies. Public universities can and must overcome the exclusively technical-scientific process of market formation that leads to a regression of democracy (Edgar Morin).
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