Research (-) formation:

compositions from reading and writing experiences at the university




Formative research. Reading. Writing. Common.


In this article we present practices of experimentation and invention of the relation between research and formation through experiences of reading and writing rehearsed at the university. Starting with authors like Giorgio Agamben, Jan Masschelein, Maarten Simons, Jorge Larrosa or Maurice Blanchot, it explores ideas of research and formation based on the marks of subjectivity, experience and a certain (un)productive way, in the sense of an inoperativeness, of inhabiting the world of education. We start from the concepts of study and formative research in order to think, then, what would be the conditions and implications of the experience of reading and writing in the invention of other possible senses for research, through the construction of the common. The movements produced by the reading and writing exercises, rehearsed in the formation of pedagogues, constitute a composition that, putting subjectivities at stake, is developed in a relation of alterity, producer of annoyances and unrest from which a common body of researchers is built.


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Author Biography

Teresa N. R. Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Teresa N. R. Gonçalves, PhD in Education and Society from the University of Seville, Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, coordinator of the Study Group on the Work of Education- GESTE, Professor at PPGE-UFRJ.

E-mail: teresanrgonç



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How to Cite

Gonçalves, T. N. R. (2019). Research (-) formation:: compositions from reading and writing experiences at the university. Journal Education in Question, 57(53).