Philosophical collocks as a means of improving learning in Philosophy for students in the first series of High School
Philosophy teaching. Learning. Educational innovation. Colloquia.Abstract
This work seeks to offer pedagogical mediation to 9th grade students at a private school, in order to improve the understanding of the concept in relation to politics, such as: knowledge, ethics and morals, in the first grades of high school in the discipline of philosophy. To meet this objective, the Philosophical Colloquiums were developed as a didactic strategy, as it is a means of developing pre-defined themes, with exhibitions, debates and the search for decision-making. An initial survey was carried out to find out what the 9th year students' previous knowledge of politics, from a philosophical perspective, the planning of the colloquia with the invited speakers, the conduct of the colloquia, the monitoring and the final evaluation. Bringing as a result the interest of students to participate in colloquia, discussions and questions, giving an answer to the ability to apprehend systematic content of the curriculum of high school in a pleasant and effective way.
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