The normative matrices of the New Public Management and the facing of educational inequalities


  • Ana Maria Alves Saraiva Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais



Efficiency. Effectiveness. New Public Management. Educational inequalities.


This article aims to discuss the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness as evaluative matrices that present themselves for educational systems. It is understood that such matrices emerge from the adoption of a new theoretical model in the orientation of state management, called the New Public Management (NGP, in Portuguese abbreviation). With a qualitative methodological design, supported by bibliographic and documentary analysis, the article has as main theoretical inputs the approaches of Vigoda, Popkewitz and Van Zantem on the matrices and rationales proposed by the NGP. We consider that this model, introducing external evaluation, the production of indicators and the construction of universalizable scales as management tools, change the relationship between the State and the education. It is concluded that the incorporation of efficiency and effectiveness as normative matrices by NGP in a context of persistent educational inequalities, establishing universal performance goals, does not constitute an equitable approach, presenting limitations to the necessary confrontation of these inequalities.


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How to Cite

Alves Saraiva, A. M. (2020). The normative matrices of the New Public Management and the facing of educational inequalities. Journal Education in Question, 58(56).