Twinkle, twinkle, little star
Lúcia’s appropriations and meanings for literacies
Living Experiences/Lettering, Senses and meanings, Early Childhood EducationAbstract
This article presents the results of a longitudinal and ethnographic research that seeks to understand how a group of three-year-old children appropriates literacy events in the context of a municipal school of Early Childhood Education. We started with the following questions: What living experiences enabled the construction of senses and meanings for literacies? How did Lúcia, a toddler, appropriate and construct senses and meanings for such experiences? The research was based on the assumptions of Historical-Cultural Theory and Ethnography in Education, whose dialogues generated the theoretical-methodological construct Affection /Situated Social Cognition/Cultures/Languages in Use (ACCL, the acronym in Portuguese) that supports the unit of analysis, Living Experiences/Literacies. We consider that, in 2017 and 2018, Lúcia's attributions of senses and meanings were intertwined in the dialectical relationship between the individual and the collective. The meanings produced by Lúcia through the unit of analysis (Experiences/Lettering) made it possible to understand the human being as social, inserted in culture and constructor of culture through emotions.
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