Caicó-RN; Cultura Material; História; Educação; PIBID.Abstract
This article arose from an intervention carried out in the 1st year of high school classes at the José Augusto Educational Center (CEJA), located in Caicó-RN, by the PIBID - History program, addressing the issue of the emergence of the aforementioned country town. The intention was to enable students to reflect on the importance of historical points in the city, such as: O Poço de Sant'Ana; the Stone House; the Church of Rosário; and the Itans Dam. Through the field class, as a methodology, students had the opportunity to work on the concept of memory as a mythical, architectural narrative space; with the syncretism of Catholic and Afro-Brazilian religious practices and, finally, a landscape memory. Through theoretical foundation, Heritage Education reveals its importance for the intellectual development of students.
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