



Student assistance; Racial quotas; School permanence; Technical education


Studies that assess the impact of student assistance in ensuring student permanence are important, as they demonstrate how effective are this policy. When this analysis is carried out with racial quota students as a specific audience, it becomes even more relevant, as these students, in their life trajectory, suffer with the racism effects, which often prevent them from ascending socially and from occupying spaces socially valued, mostly occupied by white people. The research aimed to understand the impact that student assistance has on the permanence and educational training of racial quota students at the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais (IFMG), Governador Valadares Campus. It had as a target audience the racial quota students in the second and third years of integrated technical high school. It was a qualitative and exploratory research, whose data collection instruments were document analysis, questionnaire and interview. This study showed that, besides ensuring the entrance of black students into the educational institution, it is also necessary to guarantee them the possibility of staying in the institution until the conclusion of their course. The data presented in the article demonstrate that student assistance helps in this process.


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Author Biographies

Ana Cláudia de Azevedo Peixoto , Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro


Graduated in Psychology from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Master and Doctor in Psychology from UFRRJ. She is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology at UFRRJ; Professor of the Graduate Program in Psychology (PPGPSI) and Agricultural Education (PPGEA); Coordinator of LEVICA (Laboratory for Studies on Violence against Children and Adolescents; Internship Supervisor. She is a member of the WG: Mental health and competences: assessment, prevention and treatment (ANPEPP). She was Coordinator of the Psychology Course and has already served as Service Coordinator of Applied Psychology. She was an undergraduate and graduate professor at Estácio de Sá University. She worked as a psychologist at the Duque de Caxias City Hall in the health area. She has experience in the field of Psychology, with emphasis on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Psychotherapy Scheme, working mainly on the following topics: prevention and intervention with child victims of violence, in vulnerable communities, psychology of social assistance, training in psychology and child anxiety.


Lenício Dutra Marinho Júnior, Federal Institute of Minas Gerais

Graduated in History from the Centro Universitário do Leste de Minas Gerais (2004), Master in Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (2009) and PhD in Human Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina. Current professor at the Federal Institute of Minas Gerais - Campus Governador Valadares. He has experience in the area of ​​History, with an emphasis on Environmental History, working mainly on the following topics: frontier, landscape and socio-environmental impacts, education and curriculum, regional history.



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28-11-2023 — Updated on 15-05-2024


How to Cite

ROCHA MORAIS, G.; DE AZEVEDO PEIXOTO , A. C. .; DUTRA MARINHO JÚNIOR, L. . EVALUATION OF STUDENT ASSISTANCE AND PERMANENCE OF RACIAL QUOTE STUDENTS IN THE INTEGRATED TECHNICAL EDUCATION OF THE FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF MINAS GERAIS - GOVERNADOR VALADARES CAMPUS. Saberes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and Education, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 3, p. EE04, 2024. DOI: 10.21680/1984-3879.2023v23n3ID32211. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/saberes/article/view/32211. Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.