
  • Juliana Janaina Tavares Nóbrega UFABC - doutoranda



ecology of knowledge; interdisciplinarity, education.


Since modernity, when we talk about science, we are referring to a supposedly true, objective and universal method knowledge, which is increasingly guaranteed by the separation of knowledge for specialists. However, the scientific method, the disciplinary division of knowledge, and its categories that guarantee the validity of a theory are based on a context, a perspective, and, like everything that is a human product, cannot be neutral or universal, nor can it be apolitical. The proposal of an ecology of knowledges reminds us of this plural reality of knowledge and the need to value knowledge that comes from various perspectives and places of speech. School, as a privileged space for production and "reproduction" of knowledge, must be thought and lived in this broad social, scientific, and political space of knowledge. To deny the different elements that make up school education and restrict it to a single perspective is also to deny its reality. Thus, this essay seeks to reflect on this dialogue of a post-abyssal knowledge in research and education in a context of neoliberalism. As bibliographical foundation, authors such as Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2007); Terry Shinn (2008), Ivani Fazenda (1994), Olga Pombo (2006), but also Silvio Gallo (2019), Bernard Charlot (1983) and Libâneo (1984). More than ever, thinking of the school institution, a space for the construction of knowledge, but also of citizenship, as a focus of research and understanding of the relations and ideologies present therein is something fundamental for the maintenance not of a democratic political regime, but of a democratic society.


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How to Cite

TAVARES NÓBREGA, J. J. ECOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE INTERDISCIPLINARITY TO THINK ABOUT EDUCATION AND ITS DIALOGUES: A INTERDISCIPLINARIDADE PARA PENSAR A EDUCAÇÃO E SEUS DIÁLOGOS. Saberes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and Education, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 3, p. EN01, 2023. DOI: 10.21680/1984-3879.2023v23n3ID32405. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.