
  • Lélio Braga SEDUC/PA
  • Maria Gilvania da Silva Alvez UFPA
  • Aline Nascimento Braga UFPA
  • Shirsley Joany dos Santos da Silva UFPA
  • Carlos Alberto Brito da Silva Júnior UFPA
  • Alessandra Nascimento Braga UFPA



Belligerence; Social contract; Eloquence.


This bibliographical and theoretical study has the primary objective of analyzing the relationship between the ideas conceived and named by Thomas Hobbes as a state of nature, Social contract and eloquence, of the latter, analyzing its rhetorical ability. The first idea denotes a state prior to the constitution of civil society. It would be a hypothesis in which there would be war and competition between subjects, justified by the absence of a being that personifies sovereign power. In this context, each person pursues their personal interests, resulting in an insecure and unstable life. To escape this chaotic state, Hobbes proposes a contract, in which individuals agree to give up freedom and self-regulation in favor of the protection of an absolute sovereign that governs them. In support of the aforementioned social agreement, there is the talent of the rhetorical skill of eloquence, which would enter as an auxiliary of reason, shaping the passions of the subjects in favor of civil obedience. In conclusion, it is perceived that the Hobbesian contract constitutes the authority of the sovereign, but it is not enough in terms of preventing the return to the belligerent state without using the rhetorical skill of eloquence in the minds of the population as a reinforcement of civil obedience.


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How to Cite

BRAGA, L.; ALVEZ, M. G. da S. .; BRAGA, A. N. .; SILVA, S. J. dos S. da .; JÚNIOR, C. A. B. da S. .; BRAGA, A. N. . STATE OF NATURE, SOCIAL CONTRACT, AND ELOQUENCE IN THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY OF THOMAS HOBBES. Saberes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and Education, [S. l.], v. 23, n. 3, p. FI02, 2023. DOI: 10.21680/1984-3879.2023v23n3ID33580. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.