teaching praxis; geography teaching; São José do Seridó - RN.Abstract
This experience report type article describes aspects of teaching praxis in Geography’s teaching at Raul de Medeiros Dantas Municipal Elementary and Secondary School in São José do Seridó - RN. The experience took place during the school year of 2018, in 6th grade class number III. This class, made up of students who were repeating and out of range, also received transferred students from other educational institutions. Therefore, the indiscipline and lack of interest of this group of students ended up characterizing the group as a “problem class”. In the search for solutions, in cooperation with the school's pedagogical team, it was possible, through the themes present in school geography, to create didactic-pedagogical strategies to gradually stimulate the participation of these students in the activities. In the classroom we use strategies such as internet research, interpretation of texts, music, videos and images, word searches, making posters and models. We participate in school events and conduct field classes inside and outside the town. The evaluation took place through bimonthly written tests, weekly activities and participation in events. We consider the commitment and punctuality in the delivery of activities. Working with the 6th grade III was a unique and enriching experience for students, teachers and teaching staff. Considering the weaknesses and strengths of the target audience, our objective was to offer students the possibility of knowledge and recognition of the place of individual and collective experiences. In the end, the results were surprisingly positive. As a theoretical contribution we quote: Carlos (2007), Cavalcanti (2015), Demo (2002), Dozena (2008) and Kaercher (1996).
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