



Socrates, Formation, Philosophy, Engagement, Mastery


This article aims to explore, through the relationship between Socrates and formation – and based on the development of his mastery –, how Socrates constitutes, from philosophy, a way of life and how this influences the development of his role as a master. The material used, aiming to better contemplate the proposed objective, is based on contact with Platonic dialogues, particularly referencing the work Apology of Socrates. The research is also based on the use of complementary materials from thinkers and commentators that add and aid in a deeper exploration of the theme. Thus, the path developed by this paper initially rests in the identification of how Socrates establishes, through philosophy, a way of life. Subsequently, the text revolves around the analysis of the dimensions of engagement, using as a reference in this explanation the foundation established from contact with the pedagogical meaning of Socratic metaphors. Finally, as the last step of the research, a reflective analysis is proposed regarding Socrates’ contribution to human development, based on the two discussed steps: a way of living anchored in the philosophical perspective and a pedagogy exemplified by Socratic metaphors.



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How to Cite

DA SILVA ROSSETTO, M.; MARTINI, S. ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCRATES AND TRAINING: THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPING MASTERY. Saberes: Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy and Education, [S. l.], v. 25, n. 01, p. FEE01, 2025. DOI: 10.21680/1984-3879.2025v25n01ID37237. Disponível em: https://periodicos.ufrn.br/saberes/article/view/37237. Acesso em: 22 feb. 2025.