Pending tasks in the field of inclusive education:

perception of academics of the Catholic University of Maule – Chile


  • Juan Cornejo Espejo Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile)



Inclusive Education, Problems, Challenges, Catholic University of Maule


The article is the result of a qualitative research that tries to capture the perceptions of academics responsible for training teachers of Catholic University of Maule (UCM) in relation to educational inclusion. The data collection was done through semi-structured interviews and the analysis thereof on the assumptions of Grounded Theory. From open coding the most recurrent themes were grouped establishing the respective correlations in the relational analysis based on the perceptions of academics from the UCM. In turn, in the selective analysis they outlined the main challenges those same academics from the UCM displayed in educational inclusion, especially those aspects that can contribute to changing the school culture. The main findings show that although they has expanded their notion of inclusion, highlighting the emerging nature of the topic, not limited to special educational needs, identify important obstacles and critical nodes in both the school system and in the University.


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Author Biography

Juan Cornejo Espejo, Universidad Católica del Maule (Chile)


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How to Cite

Espejo, J. C. (2016). Pending tasks in the field of inclusive education:: perception of academics of the Catholic University of Maule – Chile. Journal Education in Question, 54(41), 33–60.