School Time:

organization, expansion and qualification of school education time


  • Antonio Chizzotti Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo
  • Roberta Maria Bueno Bocchi Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo



School Time, School calendar, Public school, High school


This paper analyzes the administrative and pedagogical organization of school time and assesses the discussions on the extension of the school day and the qualification of time spent in teaching in order to create better conditions for learning and well-being of all who are committed to school. The text raises some controversy and international initiatives that seek to find alternatives to promote a more adequate provision of that time in order to provide better conditions for success in teaching quality and the duration of the school day. The methodological understanding of this work in accordance with Gaussel (2013) requires the recognition of a plurality of educational time and multiple legitimate ways of learning and teaching. It takes the calendar as model of organization and management of school activities and raises some critical observations on the disposition of school time from the analysis of the calendar of a public high school of São Paulo State education system.


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How to Cite

Chizzotti, A., & Bocchi, R. M. B. (2016). School Time:: organization, expansion and qualification of school education time. Journal Education in Question, 54(42), 65–89.