A memory pedagogy between war and peace
Citizenship. Historic memory. Memory pedagogy.Abstract
This article takes its foundations from the acknowledgement of the notion and practice of the Memory Pedagogy that has been developed inside the core of the social and education movement of the South in the Post-Dictatorship era, since the last decade of the 20th Century. A formation program for democratic citizenship and human rights assimilates the socalled South Lesson, breaking the tradition of elitism and exclusion provided by the colonial times covered by the civil, urbanist and good manners education program. Moreover, the South Lesson conjugates with the Auschwitz Lesson to confront the dehumanizing project lived in the concentration camps of the World War II. It is with this premises that the article illustrates a possible horizon for victims’ dignity restitution and for the reconstruction of the social fabric, with historic memory researches about the Colombian society, which has suffered a war for more than fifty years.
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