The method Life Kinetik® from the point of view of neuroscience and education

a theoretical analysis


  • Julian Tejada
  • Heike Schmitz
  • André Faro



Learning. Life Kinetik. Neuroplasticity.


Methods that combine motor activities with cognitive activities under the princi- ple of constantly challenging the brain with new combinations of activities, permanently increasing their degree of difficulty, but without requiring a mastery in the execution, are promising for the teaching and learning process. An example is the Life Kinetik method, developed by Lutz (2014). In the present study, the objective was to analyze, based on the neuroscientific literature, whether the processes that occur in the brain, attributed to the learning phenomenon, could be stimulated by this method. The results of this study show that neuroscience research reveals that brain plasticity processes that mediate learning processes are potentialized through activities that include three key factors: challenge, variety and non-perfection, which are considered essential methodology of Life Kinetik. Finally, due to easy application and its potential to optimize teaching-learning processes, is recommend an empirical evaluation of this method, especially in school environments.


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How to Cite

Tejada, J., Schmitz, H., & Faro, A. (2017). The method Life Kinetik® from the point of view of neuroscience and education: a theoretical analysis. Journal Education in Question, 55(45), 127–151.