I have a problem
I don’t like to read! A reading mediator formative journey
Literature reading. Mediation. Teacher trainning.Abstract
The article focus on aspects of a qualitative and ethnomethodological rese- arch developed in a state public primary school, in Natal-RN (Brazil). It investigated the reception of literature reading by a 4th grade teacher, who revealed not to like reading nor considered herself a literature reader. Theoretical foundations are based, mainly, on Coulon (1995; 1995a), Vigotsky (1989; 1991; 2003), Graves and Graves (1995), Smith (1991), Jauss (2002), Iser (1996; 1999) and Amarilha (2012; 2013). With sensitive listening we tried to provide scaffolding to the teacher in 30 reading sessions. Research proceedings were applied with flexibility aiming to attend the training process. As instrument of collecting data two semi-structured interviews were used with the teacher at the beginning and at the end of the research, and a field diary. It was observed that, in reading, the text-life relationship was established by the teacher with some naivety, which prevented her from experiencing the fictional as a symbolic, playful activity. However, there were changes and mediation was fundamental in this process.
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