The university legacy to 100 years of reform - debates and combats about its validity and perspectives


  • Pablo Imen Universidad de Buenos Aires



University reform, National and Popular University, University democratization, Patria grande


This article aims to analyze, from the perspective of the 21st century, the collections of the University Reform of Cordoba, Argentina, on June 15, 1918. At that time the student reaction against a clerical, authoritarian and conservative university institution included its criticism as a democratizing alternative that expanded in Latin America. During the twentieth century there were different experiences that are valuable contributions to think the University of the XXI century in the framework of the construction of the Patria Grande from reformism and popular revolutionary nationalism. The 2008 Cartagena de Indias Declaration by the Regional Council for Higher Education (CRES) of UNESCO recovers these legacies, proposing rescues of its democratizing spirit in the government's plans, its pedagogical project and its projection towards the national contexts and countries.


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How to Cite

Imen, P. (2018). The university legacy to 100 years of reform - debates and combats about its validity and perspectives. Journal Education in Question, 56(47), 12–41.