The teaching of philosophy in the inter and transdisciplinary perspectives:

an analysis of the ontological problem




Teaching philosophy. Interdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinarity.


This article aims to analyze the characteristics of a philosophy teaching that was investigated in a master’s degree research. We have sought  to ascertain the following problem: how a teaching of philosophy, proposed in the inter and transdisciplinary perspectives, was being organized in an educational unit? Thus, a descriptive research of qualitative nature was carried out, using theoretical references by Edgar Morin and Basarab Nicolescu. The methodology was composed by theoretical investigation and field incursion. The first consisted of bibliographical research and documentary analysis. The latter consisted of observing the organization of teaching in the classroom. In addition, we have used the technique of content analysis to analyze the data. The questions discussed in this article refer to the set of classes in which the ontological problematic was approached, that is, themes, problems, concepts related to organization, perceptions and meanings about the Real, Reality or Nature. Finally, the analysis of the characteristics of the teaching investigated does not allow it to be consider a teaching of inter or transdisciplinary philosophy, but an experience of “modest” school multidisciplinarity; although more versatile than the set of classes on the epistemological contents disclosed in the first article.


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How to Cite

Silva, G. M. (2019). The teaching of philosophy in the inter and transdisciplinary perspectives:: an analysis of the ontological problem. Journal Education in Question, 57(51).