Apprehension of geometric objects with the GeoGebra:

a study with undergraduate mathematics’ teachers




Euclidean geometry, Semiotics representations, Futures teachers


This study aimed to understand how future teachers of mathematics make the apprehension of geometric objects from the production of semiotic representations raised during the resolution of a task of Euclidean Geometry with the support of GeoGebra. The study approach was qualitative and followed the perspective of the interpretive paradigm. The research modality was the case study. The collected data were analyzed in light of the theory of semiotic representation registers and included the mathematical productions of the participants. The results of the study show that students' apprehensions of geometric objects occurred due to the mutual articulation between the awareness (objectivation) and the perceptive, sequential, operative and discursive apprehensions related to a geometrical figure, as well as the coordination of different representations made possible by GeoGebra.


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Author Biography

Idelmar André Zanella, Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná

Marta Maria de Araújo, Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa | Estudos Histórico Educacionais, Editora responsável pela Revista Educação em Questão


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How to Cite

Zanella, I. A., Franco, V. S., & Canavarro, A. P. (2018). Apprehension of geometric objects with the GeoGebra:: a study with undergraduate mathematics’ teachers. Journal Education in Question, 56(48).